Alvas Ayurveda Medical College, Moodabidri

World owes India for offering some of the most indispensable thing to modern sciences which include the introduction to the concept of zero (Shunya), the techniques of algebra, algorithm, geometry (Rekha Ganita), and many more in mathematics; and Ayurveda for the field of health care. Ayurveda is the most ancient science of healing which enhances longevity of life, dating back to 600 BC. Alvas Ayurveda medical college has been the central protagonist in propagating this science in India and abroad since 1996. Today, it has a sprawling state of the art campus and an affectionately manicured taxonomically maintained herbal-botanical garden Shobhavana to boast off to its credit. It is the perfect destination where tradition and culture merge with the enthusiasm of the young minds, scripting a new era in the Indian history.
BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic)
Eligibility: Minimum 10+2 or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in science subjects and 45% in case of SC/ST or B.Sc. Degree with CBZ combination.

Course Duration : Five and a half years.

Contact information :


Moodabidri - 574227

South Canara District, Karnataka

Tel : 08258-238104 - 238111(8 lines)

Fax : 08258-236731



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